
Immobilization of Cal-B onto GO, Fe3O4, and GO/Fe3O4was accomplished with glutaraldehyde by covalent immobilization. The three forms of the immobilized enzymes, the relative activities of them were between 70 and 80%. The enantioselectivity of Cal-B immobilized onto Fe3O4 was rather poor. However, Candida antarctica lipase immobilized covalently onto GO and GO/Fe3O4 nanoparticles can be efficiently used for enantioselective transesterification of R, S-1-phenyl ethanol with vinyl acetate as acyl donor and hexane as organic solvent. The reactions carried out excellent conversion (50.73%, 49.02%) along with excellent ee (> 99%, 94.32%) and E (507.74, 375.77) in 4, 6 h for the enzymes immobilized onto GO and GO/Fe3O4, respectively. These ee and E values are higher than the results in the literature. Moreover, the results presented that the immobilized lipase could be used repeatedly for different catalytic systems, which is an economically important advantage.